Unit #18
11th and 12th English
Dec 5-9
Assignment 18.1
This week we will continue to write a 5-paragraph paper in pieces. I know this is painful and gets to be old, but this is so ridiculously important to your success as a college student, I really need you to keep practicing this skill. I want you to take the topic:

“What are your career and personal goals and why have you chosen these goals?” (Your thesis and essay map must include your career goals and reflect your personal character)

This essay should talk about how you will make a difference in our world (i.e. how they will positively impact our world with their education and skills. Your goals should not be all about you)

Click Here to look at past intro paragraphs students have written for me.

Submit your intro paragraph for 18.1 assignment. (20 pts) due Dec 6

After you submit the intro paragraph, I will edit and grade it.  Then I will return it for you to correct and send it later with 18.2.

Assignment 18.2
For this lesson, write the next 3 paragraphs (your 3 main body paragraphs)

What to turn in:  Introductory paragraph you did in 18.1, and
your 3 main body paragraphs

I will grade and edit your 3 main body paragraphs and return to you so that you can fix and submit with 18.3.

Submit your intro and 3 paragraphs for 18.2 assignment. (40 pts) due Dec 7

Assignment 18.3
Now, write a good conclusion restating your thesis and essay map and pull everything together.  Remember not to introduce any new information in this paragraph.

What to turn in:  Your fixed Introductory paragraph from 18.1, your fixed 3 main body paragraphs from 18.2, and your conclusion paragraph

Submit your whole stinkin' awesomely incredibly fantastic paper for 18.3 assignment. (20 pts) due Dec 9