Unit #6
11th and 12th English
Assignment 6.1
Write a lead in on "A Time I Was Scared" using the book’s
advice, then go from general to specific, then add the thesis
statement and essay map.  Once this is done, you will have
your intro paragraph done.
(30 minutes)

Submit Assignment 6.1 (25 pts) due Sep 27

Assignment 6.2

Read pp 84-86 “How to Write a Good Concluding
Paragraph.”  In order to have a satisfying conclusion,
the reader should feel that the questions have been
answered, everything in the paper has been wrapped up,
and you can sleep now that you feel the paper has
ended.  As quoted in the text, "a good
ending should snap with grace and authority, like the
close of an expensive sports car door."

After reading the 12 suggestions on pages 85-86, you should realize that your conclusion should sum up the three main points of your paper, introduce NO new material, and tie everything up.

p. 88 “practicing what you’ve learned”.  Follow the instructions. (30 minutes)
Make sure when you do this assignment, you just list for me the problems with the conclusion...don't rewrite a better conclusion.

Submit Assignment 6.2 (10 pts) due Sep 28

Assignment 6.3
In your essay about Being Scared, you have an intro and three paragraphs making up the main body.  Now let’s try the conclusion.
Using what you have learned in this section of reading, write a one paragraph conclusion.
Tip:  Do not rewrite your thesis statement and essay map in the conclusion word for word.  Find another way to state what the paper was about.  Try to write the conclusion in about 6 or 7 sentences.

So, here are the main thoughts about a conclusion:
1)  introduce no new "stuff".  It should only sum up what was already said
2)  find a way to restate the thesis and three points in your essay map without restating them the same way you did in the intro paragraph (this is the hard part)
3)  sum up the paper and bring it to a close

***The conclusion is the hardest part of the paper for me to write.  I could have the entire paper written in no time, then come to a screeching halt on the conclusion--so you're not alone in this.  Just try to get some "stuff" down, then work on improving it.  (40 minutes)

Submit Assignment 6.3 (20 pts) Sep 30

Done for the week!!
Sep 26-30
A Million Miles in a Thousand Years....Read Chapter 7-9